I had a great time this rainy Saturday meeting all the folks up at Sacramento's Sierra Oaks Elementary School annual Holiday Boutique! There was some really great and inexpensive stuff available, super food, and it seemed like everyone was enjoying a chance to shop out of the rain. Thanks to all those who admired my art, I had a big day selling and now it looks as if there will be gifts under the tree after all for me and mine, thanks to your generous art - buying frenzy!!
I was particularly impressed with all the moms who were involving their kids in art purchasing decisions, it's good to know that even though our schools have cut back on art, music and even sports, that wonderful parents continue to value the arts and pass that along to the kids. Too bad about the soccer game getting rained out.
I hope to be back in Sacramento with my work soon. Wow! Was it georgeous up there when the rain stopped, the trees were in their full fall regailia, it made me long for the suburbs from whence I sprang.
Thanks to Greta for inviting me!
Now for a well deserved day in bed, I caught a cold.