Sunday, January 04, 2009

New Year, New Resolutions

Ah yes, a new day has dawned. Time to get my ass in gear and make my mark on the world and the page, yes, I'm going to do everything on that list this year, I'm going to, "Yawn", where's my coffee, um gotta find those keys, um what was I doing in here? Oh yea, the list so I think I'll just rest for a minute, zzzzzzzzzzz.


Xovika said...

:)) That's what I do everytime I want to do it :)) I don't know , even thinking about it makes me tired!!
wonderful illustration for this topic! well done!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Hmmm...that pretty much what we all wind up doing, but we have good intentions! This is a riot! :)